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“湖湘风华、文艺战疫” 新创优秀美术、书法、摄影作品海外征稿启事(中英文)



























1. 投稿邮箱:hnsyssyxh2018@163.com ,邮件标题注明“国别+编辑+作品名称”,与报名表发至指定邮箱。



联系人:何东安   电话 0731-85286152

陈慕宇   电话18942500648  





Arts Against COVID-19: Hunan Calls for Artworks from Overseas Fine Artists, Calligraphers and Photographers for New Exhibition

 Hunan Province has a long history and plays an important part in Chinese culture, with unique regional characteristics and charm. Following the outbreak of COVID-19, people in Hunan have united and responded positively and calmly. The Hunanese spirit is one that cares for the world, and dares to think big. In the fight against this virus, theory is being put into practice with a novel campaign. In this spirit, the Hunan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism plans to host an exhibition with the theme “Arts against COVID-19”, calling for artworks from overseas fine artists, calligraphers and photographers. The aim is to encourage people in Hunan to fight against the epidemic, and show the outpouring of support for China from overseas Chinese and international friends. The exhibition will be divided into two categories: an online media exhibition, and a touring exhibition, in cities at home and abroad. The details are as follows:

I. Entrants

 Overseas Chinese and international artists and amateurs in fine arts, calligraphy and photography.

II. Theme

The theme should focus on the fight against COVID-19, either reflecting touching moments and moving deeds in controlling the virus, or works that show Hunan culture and tourism, such as natural scenery, folk customs and cultural heritage.

III. Arrangements

The exhibition will be divided into two stages. The first stage is an online exhibition, focusing on the anti-virus artworks. Outstanding works will be selected through expert appraisal, then exhibited on the Chinese and international stage through various media channels. For the second stage, touring exhibitions will set off with the outstanding works selected from the first stage, including the original works from the artists.

IV. Schedule

1. Submission window: February 26th, 2020 to May 30th, 2020

2. Online exhibition: March 5th, 2020 to May 30th, 2020

3. Touring Exhibition: Exhibitions will be held in various cities at home and abroad, once the epidemic has passed.

V. Awards

Any work selected for the online exhibition will be granted a commemorative award, among which the top 20 works will receive an honorary certificate. The creators of the top 20 works will be invited to attend the opening ceremony of the 2020 Hunan International Cultural Tourism Festival. The artists who receive honorary certificates, along with a guest/assistant, will also receive a free tour within Hunan. Travel costs in Hunan will be covered by the Hunan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism (please note international transportation costs are not included). Artists who receive honorary certificates will also be granted two “2020 Splendid Hunan Travel Cards", worth ¥5,800 (roughly US$830) each.

VI. Submission Requirements

1. E-mail submissions only for the first stage. Physical submissions will not be accepted until explicitly requested by the organizer.

2. Electronic versions of fine art and calligraphy shall be submitted for evaluation, and the original works shall be sent only after receiving a selection notice from the organizer.

3. Photographic works should be directly submitted with clear picture data. Either single or group photos, color or black-and-white. Group photos should be 4 to 12 per group, in jpg format, no less than 300dpi resolution and over 3,500 pixels on its longest side. 

4. Size requirement for original fine art and calligraphy: For fine art (including Chinese painting, oil painting, engraving, watercolor), the longest side of the inner frame of the original work should not exceed 120cm. 

Calligraphy (including seal cutting) and Chinese painting should be no more than 8 square feet (248cm x 120cm), vertical, with no mounting required. 

5. Submitted works must be original, with complete copyright, and not infringe any third party's legitimate rights, such as copyrights, portrait rights, reputation rights, privacy rights, etc. Any dispute caused by the above matters will lead to  disqualification from the evaluation, and the legal liability arising from it shall be borne by the artist.

6. The organizer has the right to research, photograph, video, publish and publicize the exhibited works with no further payment. It promises not to use any artwork for commercial purposes.

7. The works selected for the touring exhibition must be delivered directly by the artist (via courier or mail, at the artist’s own expense). 

It is recommended that the artist insure the artwork before sending it to the exhibition. The delivery must be properly packed to prevent any damage and loss during shipment.

8. After the exhibition, the work will be returned to the artist.

9. The right to interpret this draft notice belongs to the Hunan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism. All contributors shall be deemed to have agreed to all provisions of this notice. 

VII. Contact Information

1. Submission email: hnsyssyxh2018@163.com. The subject of the email should be marked "country + author + work name", and the application form should be sent together to the email address as well.

2. Postal address: Hunan Provincial Museum of Culture.  No.69 Shanmuchong West Road, Tianxin District, Changsha City, Hunan Province, China.

Postal Code: 410000

Contact : He Dong’an       Contact : Chen Muyu 

Phone: 0731-85286152        Phone: 18942500648 

Wechat: chenmuyu4194

Annexe:Application Form of Arts Against COVID-19: Hunan Calls for Artworks from Overseas Fine Artists, Calligraphers and Photographers for Exhibition

        Hunan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

February 26th , 2020

“湖湘风华、文艺战疫” 新创优秀美术、书法、摄影作品海外征稿启事(中英文)附件:“湖湘风华、文艺战疫”新创优秀美术、书法、摄影作品海外征稿作品报名表(中英文).doc

(责任编辑:Emelie Tao)




