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欧洲-中国文化艺术交流与合作研究会,爱尔兰乐队 Screefy 将献艺2023年第三届「世界因爱而生」全球春节联欢晚会 。

Europe-China Culture& Art Exchange Research Association, Irish music band Screefy will join the 3rd "A World Born of Love" Global Spring Festival Gala in 2023.


Screefy是来自都柏林Dún Laoghaire的Sallynoggin的未签约独立乐队。在过去的几年里,他们一直在创作和录音。他们的声音是悠闲自发的快节奏曲目的混合。乐队的主要音乐影响是Bob Dylan、Lou Reed、Tom Waits和The National乐队等。他们的声音被描述为原声摇滚,并受到蓝调、乡村和爵士乐的影响。

Screefy are an unsigned independent band from Sallynoggin in Dún Laoghaire, County Dublin. They have been writing and recording for the past few years. There sound is a mix of laid back and spontaneous up-tempo tracks. The Bands main musical influences are Bob Dylan, Lou reed, Tom waits, and bands such as The National. Their sound is described as Acoustic Rock, with Blues, Country, and Jazz influences.


Andy Murphy与会长夫妇陈秋梅和Jimmy MacCarthy的合影

2020年,SCREEFY在Da Costa唱片公司发行了他们的首张专辑 "Everything is Connected"。

乐队由主唱和吉他手Andy Murphy、吉他手Ger Thornton、鼓手Art Lorrigan、键盘手Kevin Wade、贝斯手Christy Mullen组成,嘉宾音乐家有萨克斯风手Paul Carter、小提琴和中提琴手Audrey Trainor、吉他手Dave Palmer,该专辑由Dave O’ Reilly与乐队共同制作。

SCREEFY released their debut album "Everything is Connected" in 2020 on Da Costa records.

The band consisted of Andy Murphy on vocals and guitar Ger Thornton on guitars, Art Lorrigan on drums, Kevin Wade on keyboard, Christy Mullen on bass, with guest musicians Paul Carter on saxophone, Audrey Trainor on violin and viola, Dave Palmer on guitar, the album was produced by Dave O’Reilly with the band.


乐队现在以两支乐队的形式演出,Andy负责主唱和吉他,Kevin负责键盘。歌手、歌曲作者Andy Murphy也是一位艺术家,在爱尔兰都柏林工作和教学。Andy的工作主要是用油画和丙烯画画风景和肖像,同时也是一位壁画家。

The band now performs as a two piece with Andy on vocals and guitar and Kevin on keyboard.

Singer, song writer Andy Murphy is also an artist working and teaching in Dublin, Ireland. Andy works mostly painting in oils and acrylics painting landscapes and portraits, and is also a mural painter.



Andy Murphy的部分绘画作品

欧洲中国文化艺术交流与合作研究会和中外国际家庭联谊会是在爱尔兰政府正式注册的中立性公益机构,旨在为欧洲和中国之间文化艺术交流搭建一座多维度多元化的桥梁。由欧洲著名音乐家Jimmy MacCarthy和爱尔兰华侨陈秋梅Annie(夫妇)创建,由欧洲和中国的一些文化名人,知名艺术家及相关文化艺术单位组成。欧洲中国文化艺术研究会总部在爱尔兰,欧洲和中国多地均设有分部。

Europe-China Culture& Art Exchange Research Association and Chinese and Foreign family association are neutral public welfare organizations officially registered with the Irish government. The aim is to build a multi-dimensional and diversified bridge for cultural and artistic exchanges between Europe and China. The organisations were founded by the famous European musician Jimmy MacCarthy and overseas Chinese Chen Qiumei (couple), and include a number of European and Chinese cultural figures, renowned artists and related cultural and artistic institutions. The organisitions are based in Ireland, with branches in Europe and China.



会长陈秋梅与荣誉会长Jimmy MacCarthy




